In 1970, Christie and Sotheby's, two major
international auction houses located in New York and London ,
have set up a dedicated photography auction. In continuation from that success,
these two auction houses co-funded AIPAD (The Association of International
Photography Art Dealers), an entity that organizes gallery openings that
showcase exclusive photos. One of AIPAD’s annual highlights is the AIPAD
Photography Show, held in New
York . Such development of
photography into the international market has been nearly four decades since
After the 1980s, the mingling between modern
photography and contemporary art brought photography onto the international art
stage. The high level of recognition for photography caused galleries and
collectors to compete in terms of their photo collections. Responding to this
trend, the Paris Photo was established in 1996 and to this day it remains a
major annual event in the photography world by attracting visitors from around
the world, ranging from museum researchers, curators, collectors,
photographers, to art experts.
years later this trend moved into Asia .
Starting in 2008, Photo Beijing and Seoul Photo followed by the 2009 Singapore
International Photography Festival and Tokyo Photo have been held. Facing this international trend, Taiwan Photo was
successfully launched in 2011 as well.
After then, in Japan ,
the Kyoto Graphie International photography Festival and Daikanyama Hillside
Terrace Photo Fair was also well introduced in 2013 and 2014 respectively. 2014 September the Photo Shanghai was also
followed. As a result, we confident to
say, TAIWAN PHOTO stands a high degree of professional quality to play an
important role among artist, galleries and international photography
Chairman Dr. Edward CHIU
Association of International Pho tography
Art Dealers)〉,並於每年舉辦〈紐約攝影博覽會(The AIPAD Pho tography
Sho w in New
York,1979)〉,國際攝影市場發展至今已近四十年的歷史。1980年代以後,與現代藝術相互交融的攝影在當代藝術中大放異彩,攝影藝術嶄露頭角,在國際間獲得高度的肯定,世界各國的美術館及收藏家紛紛爭相典藏攝影作品,受此風氣影響〈巴黎攝影(Pairs Pho to,1996)〉順勢而生,每年所舉辦的攝影展吸引了來自全球各地的美術館研究員,策展人,收藏家,攝影家,專家學者及攝影愛好者等熱烈參與,成為每年攝影界的一大盛事。十年後這股風潮吹到亞洲,2008年〈影像北京(Pho to
International Pho tography
Festival)〉及〈東京攝影節(Tokyo Pho to)〉以
及2011年台灣也不能置身這股潮流之外,相繼成立〈台灣攝影藝術博覽會「Taiwan Photo」〉,而後日本又於2013年舉辦〈京都國際攝影節(Kyoto Graphie International Photography Festival)〉及2014年〈代官山攝影博覽會(Daikanyama Hillside Terrace
Photo Fair)〉與中國也首次舉辦〈上海藝術影像展(Photo Shanghai 2014)〉,如今亞洲主要國家正在如火如荼爭相主辦攝影節或博覽會,而台灣攝影藝術博覽會「Taiwan Photo」成立至今持續舉辦,已經成為國內唯一真正達到國際型的攝影博覽會,可以說是名副其實與國際接軌,成為國內、外攝影藝廊及攝影家相互交流的最佳平台。
會 長
邱奕堅 博士